"What seems to be the matter, Josh?" the doctor asks.
"Last Wednesday I woke up with a raspy or wheezy sound in my breathing, like it was rattling, ya' know? I've tried to battle through, but it's been difficult just to get out of bed.
I haven't felt well at all since last week. I think it's just a cold, but I've had this dry, hacking cough."
Josh goes into a coughing fit, pretty much right on cue.
"See? It is difficult to breathe, like my lungs aren't functioning at full capacity."
"Has the wheezing or raspy breath continued?"
"No, I haven't noticed it since Wednesday. It has just been labored... with the coughing and all that."
"Have you noticed any other symptoms?"
"I have had some muscle aches and pains. Some headaches here and there. Sometimes severe, but usually brief. Maybe a fever, but I've never checked."
"Well, I'll take a look at you. We'll check your temperature."
"Right. Let's get it over with."
"Lift your shirt."
Konnely pulls his shirt off. The doctor places the stethoscope in his ears and places the cold metal to Josh's bare back.
"Breathe in and hold it for me."
Josh inhales as directed. Konnely begins to cough.
"Mm-hmmm. Now exhale."
Josh gathers his breath and blows out.
"I see."
The video cuts out, leaving the scene black.
Beep beep.
The recording picks up again as the medical staff finishes taking Josh's temperature. The doctor pulls the electronic thermometer from Konnely's mouth.
"Ninety-nine point five. Very slight rise in temperature."
"So what's the word, doc? Am I healthy enough to compete? You know I've got a tag team championship match tonight, right?"
"I would not recommend that you wrestle, but I am not going to say you cannot compete either. If you feel strong enough to go forward with the match, you can feel free to go for it."
"So basically you are saying that I shouldn't compete, but that I can if I want to? Gee, thanks, doc. What an invaluable gem of wisdom. To be honest..."
Josh is interrupted by a coughing fit. He shakes his head in frustration.
"To be honest, I was going to compete no matter what you said.
I ran two miles on Sunday. Took me over twenty minutes, but I got through it. I'll get through the match tonight, too."
Konnely pulls his t-shirt back on and stands up. He storms out of the locker room, coughing again.
"Jackson Steed and Nic Diesel, I will keep message to you short and simple. I am clearly in no condition to compete alone. Thankfully, I will not have to tonight. Tonight it is all about four gladiators heading into the ring in the Acer Arena to fight it out for the Tag Team Championships.
Revelation will bring War & Famine to your doorstep, and my disease will not stop Revelation from walking out with the Tag Team Championships.
Jacksoff Queers and Tiny Prick Diesel have failed to show us the appropriate respect, even after we handed them a victory last week. Last week Revelation handed Mojo Rising a victory; tonight we will hand them a humiliating defeat.
Nic Diesel thinks Murphy and I are the same person. That's actually pretty funny, since either one of us could defeat Mojo Rising all alone. With both of us together, there is no hope to be had for the two of ya'. Listen to this, Diesel: tonight Kyle and I will kick your big, fat husky ass all over the Acer Arena, and your hard drive will be wiped out. In other words, you'll never RISE again."
Josh Konnely goes into yet another coughing fit.
"That's it. I'm done talking. I can't do it anymore. But I can still kick ass. Strike Towers, in March 2011 Murphy's Law has returned, and Josh Konnely is the punisher who will enforce it. Mojo Rising, you will be our first victims. You who are about to die, salute us. Prepare for War... War and Famine."
The camera cuts off as Konnely walks away from it. The scene fades to RED.