Prepare ye, the way of the Lord
Stephen Schwartz, Godspell
The camera opens inside a large stable, which is housing horses, donkeys, and cattle. It is in this unusual- and smelly- place that Josh Konnely is seen at last, sitting on a pile of straw in the stable's loft. He is reading from a piece of paper.
"Said the little lamb to the shepard boy: - Do you hear what I hear? - Ringing through the sky, shepard boy? - Do you hear what I hear? - A song, a song, - High above the tree, - With a voice as big as the sea, - With a voice as big as the sea."
Josh folds the paper, and sticks it into a pocket.
"While I will spare you the torture of my singing, those of you who are not completely lost from the ways of holiness and righteousness will recognize what I have just read as the lyrics of 'Do You Hear What I Hear?' This is one of many traditional Christmas carols, though it details the light that guided the Three Kings to the spot of Christ's birth after it had happened.
"The newborn king of man was sheltered not in a palace or even a house for men, but in a stable such as this, surrounded not by servants but by 'ox and ass' as the song says. Only the animals were there with the holy family at the birth.
This advent season, I continue to bring those of you who will listen to my words the same message which was brought by Jesus nearly two milleniums ago, and yet the human race has for the most part failed to properly comprehend or follow.
My simple message is this: when you fail to treat other people with decency and respect, you fail in the way of Christ. You fail in the way of goodness. In essence, you fail at life as a whole. When did our Lord ever openly display a belief that anyone else- be they homeless or disease ridden, prostitute or thief, flat broke or filthy rich- was not good enough for Him and His blessing? Never, that's when.
Yet everyday we on this earth today inwardly or outwardly display this belief in ourselves over others. We condemn others and label them inferior to ourselves, even though it is contrary to how Jesus Christ himself acted. A man's worth in our world today is measured by how much wealth and material possession he has, and not in the quality of his heart and how good he acts toward others."
Josh quickly gets his feet under him, and stands up.
"Wouldn't you agree, Jack Jones? You are a man of minimal possessions and meager accomplishments. You are an unassuming man whom many over the years have overlooked and looked down upon you.
And just where are you held by Strike Towers among people such as Kyle Murphy and Connor MacDaddy, who have combined to hold a total of 11 SFT Championships and clearly possess a great deal of financial wealth? You are considered a laughingstock among the ranks of Strike Towers. People hold you as an inferior competitor because you do not flaunt yourself about like a God. You are a small man among giants, a humble man among egomaniacs.
Yet you boast that you will kick my ass and take the World Title from me. What makes you so confident all of a sudden? Just the fact that for the last month none of your opponents have even shown up to put up any fight? That's hardly a concern to me. So you've racked up a few wins against inferior competition. I'M the World Heavyweight Champion, and that isn't about to change any time soon. I am the best there is in Strike Towers right now, and you're STILL near the bottom.
I don't give a damn if you are The Cowboy, The Dentist, The Professor, or even The Mortician. When you get into the ring with me, I will send you to one of two types of people. The best case scenario will be me sending you to The Chiropractor. The worst case? I send you to The CORONER.
Jack Jones, if you really want to mess with this bull, I promise you that you will get the Horns. You've asked if I see what you see. But Jack, I am the light. I am the light which will allow the world to see the way. Without my light, you will see nothing at all, and you will be lost in the darkness along with the rest of the sinners and egotists. I am the guiding light, the shining star. Follow me to your salvation, or ignore me and bring about your doom. The choice is your own.
Do you see what I see?
Do you hear what I hear?
Will you follow the light I bring, or fade into the darkness? Choose wisely, young 'Cowboy.'"
Josh hops down off the loft to the ground, dropping about five or six feet to the straw and hay covered floor of the stable. The sound of a shotgun being cocked is heard from outside. Konnely hears it and quickly flees from the building, disappearing into the dark of the night. Fade to darkness.