Above the barren rock of the Earth, one all knowing spirit exists to set this planet apart from the rest. He cares not for the trival matters of what to call this planet or any other lifeless piece of rock spiraling through the endless abyss. For Him, it is an empty realm, an endless playground. Without any other living thing to comprehend its name, what purpose does a name serve? Still, He could hardly see it all through the infinite darkness, and knew that something was missing from his domain. "Let there be Light," the spirit declares in a booming voice that sounds almost bored. Immediately at the command of this unseen spirit, the universe seems to bend to his will. With a flash and a roar, a single mighty star explodes into existence in the center of the universe. The flash would have been described as blinding, were there any eyes to see it. The roar would have been described as deafening, were there any ears to hear it. Suddenly an immense heat filled the cold dark skies of the sprawling universe, and the power of this newborn star caused the mindless rock planets to pull into an orbit around it. For the all powerful spirit of the Earth, the little fireworks show was a nice but all too brief spectacle in the emptiness that was His immortal existence. Once the smoke had cleared, He saw the Light and saw that it was good. "I shall call the Light Day, and the Darkness I will call Night." As soon as He speaks these words, He immediately wonders why He did. Who is there to care what I call these things? I am the only living thing in this entire galaxy. I am the Living Word, but there are none to hear me. Thoughtfully He reaches out his invisible hand and with just a single finger he touches the cold, lifeless rock of the Earth. The single touch of his all powerful hand causes the rock to rumble and roar as if it were in fact alive. Canyons form as the rock splits apart, broken by a sudden rush of water. Though the elements of hydrogen and oxygen were abundant throughout the galaxy, nowhere else did the two come together in this way. This simple compound of two hydrogen and one oxygen would give life to this planet, and a new Day- a new Life- would finally be born. The transformation started out simply enough. The water changed the stone in places and eroded into a new soil. From the soil sprouted trees and flowers and other plants: the first living things in the entire galaxy apart from the Earth's unseen Spirit. Night fell in this garden of new life, and that all that which drew breath slept in silence that first Night. In the morning the Spirit woke to the beauty of the shining star and the lush gardens of new earth formed by His hand. He sighed happily, and His breath blew through the trees before settling over the waters. This single breath breathed more new life into the water, as strange fish and reptiles began to appear in the water, born from the breath of the Spirit. Another Night falls over the newly living world, the first time with living flesh to behold it in anything more than silent observance. Sounds of croaks and growls fill the Night as the miraculous life continues to grow and expand. Over the course of the next four days, the Spirit continues to breath new life forms into existence. The first mammals are born to both land and sea. New reptiles emerge from the water and make a new home on land. More types of animals than anyone has ever seen appear from nothing into life. Entire species form in mere seconds, and some even go extinct in their first two or three days. On the sixth Day, the Spirit smiles as he watches the ebb and flow of the living planet. Soon the novelty wears off, and He begins to grow bored once more. With a sigh he reaches down and begins to play with the mud and clay, which he doesn't think existed yesterday. Without a thought, He builds a five foot tall statue in His own image: a man of human clay. The Spirit inhales deeply and places a hand on the head of the mud man. The touch of the Spirit causes the mud to shift and shape itself into tissue and flesh. The first Man now stands beneath the hand of the Spirit, its eyes closed and its body lifeless. The Spirit exhales now, and His breath fills the body of the Man. The naked Man gasps as breath fills his lungs for the very first time. The Man's eyes flutter and open as he exhales his first breath. Immediately the man falls to his knees as he sees the Spirit above him, the Light shining down on them from afar. "I am your Human Clay, and you are my Father. How can I serve you?" the Man speaks as the power of the Spirit fills him. "My child, I shall call you Adam, and you will be the first of many of your kind. Go forth now and live. Live, and be happy, my child." Human Clay rises to his feet and walks away as the Spirit has commanded. His head fills with strange thoughts as the new brain begins to stretch and grow. My name is Adam. But what is it that I am? What is Adam? Who was the Spirit that gave me Life? What is all of this around me? What is this place? Still fully naked, Human Clay sits beneath a tree along the banks of a large flowing river. Questions occupy his every thought as he ponders his existence and the existence of everything around him, until at last his body grows too tired and forces itself into slumber. Adam sleeps in a flower bed near the edge of the river as Night falls around him. On the seventh Day, the Spirit rests as Human Clay resumes his countless ponderings and wonderments. Slowly Adam begins to name the flowers and the trees. He decides to call the planet Earth, and that the other flesh and blood creatures of the Earth will be called animals. Human Clay feels a rumble in his midsection, and clutches his gut in mixed confusion and amazement. What is this? I have never felt this before. "Food. I need to eat. But what should I eat?" Adam spends the rest of the day thinking and rethinking the question of what he can, and begins to wonder how it is done. He watches the animals for help in solving this puzzle until Night falls. Human Clay again gives way to sleep, still having eaten nothing. At least sleeping doesn't seem to require any complex thought. There will be plenty of time for eating in the morning. Several more days go by, during which Adam finally learns to eat and drink. The cold water refreshes him, and the fish make for adequate sustenance. As a residual affect of the discovery of food and drink, the Man also discovers the necessity of urination and defecation. As the mystery of sustenance is solved and eating becomes more familiar, Human Clay begins to grow lonely. Didn't the Father say that I would be the first of many? Why are there still none like me? Why am I all alone? The Spirit returns to Human Clay almost on cue from Adam's thoughts. "Adam, there will be more like you. It is time I give you a companion. She will be yours, and together you will make more of your kind." The Spirit reaches out to Adam- reaches THROUGH Adam- and pulls out one of the Man's ribs. Quickly sculpting a five foot Woman around the Man's rib bone, the Spirit shapes a companion for Adam. He breathes life into the Woman as he had done for Adam, making the naked Woman complete and alive. "Adam, this is the Woman. She will be called Eve. She shall be yours, and you shall be hers. My children, be fruitful and multiply." the Spirit explains. The Spirit returns to the Sky, leaving the Man and the Woman alone in the garden. Adam teaches Eve all which he knows from his days of experience until the Night falls again and plunges the garden into darkness.
Saturday, 27 February 2010 Josh Konnely sits in the pew of a church in South Bend, Indiana, just minutes from the campus of the University of Notre Dame and about 90 minutes outside of Chicago, Illinois.
"Recently we took a semi-serious look at the possible conditions and events of what is known as the 'Big Bang Theory.' Until now, the reason for that went unexplained and even unmentioned. Tonight we have seen the other side of the coin: creationism roughly as taught by the Old Testament. At times both scenarios were displayed with a touch of sarcasm. This was done to illustrate the unlikelihood of both concepts. Either one could plausibly be true, but both stories seem a bit far fetched when looked at through the proverbial microscope.
So which one is more ridiculous? That's the natural second question. If both events seem highly improbable and even illogical, then which one is more so?
Well, that just comes down to what each of us chooses to believe and is able to believe. In both instances, it is a matter of people convincing themselves that one is real while the other is false.
It is not my intention to make anyone believe one way or the other, or to tell anyone they are wrong. I can see the reasons to believe either way, and I can see the reasons not to believe either way. If anything, I consider it to be a trivial matter at the very least. How did we get here? Why does it really matter?
After all, that's the way it is with life. How did any of us get to the point we are in our individual lives? How did we get stuck living on the streets, or how did we get to live in the biggest house in town? Why are we dirt poor, or why are we filthy rich? How did I get to be a professional wrestler, or how did I end up flipping patties at Burger King? Ding! Fries are done!
What does it matter how we got where we are? Is knowing how we got there going to change where we are? It's trivial. It doesn't matter. It doesn't help us or hurt us. We are where we are because we are there. How we got there is meaningless. The important question is what we are going to do while we are here that will either get us where we want to be, or will keep us there if we're already there.
How did you get to where you are today, Redd? I know part of that answer, but not all. You were a brother of Legion's dark church, living within his abundant shadow. SFW knew of you through him, as a part of him. It wasn't until after he died that you stepped out of the shadow and into the bright light of wrestling's grand stage.
Now Redd, how exactly is that pertinent to tomorrow night's Faded Hearts pay-per-view?
No answer?
Well, when you get right down to the HEART of the matter, it isn't.
My road to Faded Hearts saw me finally relinquish the World Heavyweight Championship against 'The Immortal' Dave Van Dam. I refuse to call him an icon. Whining and crying that you aren't treated fairly is hardly iconic behavior.
Getting off the tangent, my point is that I come into Faded Hearts defeated and without the title that had become somewhat 'iconic' of Josh Konnely. It had been in my possession for months, with numerous challengers being broken and turned away. The Butcher of Bridgeport was ruling Strike Towers as an iron fist tyrant.
At last I have fallen. I am pressed, but not crushed. I am struck down, but not destroyed. Though the sorrow may last for the Night, His joy comes with the morning.
Today is a new day, and tomorrow will be another. Redd, you and I will face off for a shot at the National Championship currently held by none other than Dave Van Dam himself.
And so Faded Hearts provides me with a shot at redemption. Should I defeat Redd, I will have the opportunity to take a championship from the man who took my championship from me just last week. Perhaps in that match Strike Towers will decide to put both titles on the line, since Dave is now National Champion and World Champion. A guy can always dream, right?
A return match for the World Championship should be my right as the former champion. If I will not be given that- as is usually the case in SFT- then a National Championship match against the new World Champion is the next best thing. We could have saved ourselves the trouble and just given me the National Championship when Dave beat me, but I'm not one for doing things the easy way anyhow.
It would also be far more gratifying to choke Van Dam out and take his title forcibly.
However, that road to redemption has a speed bump. A speed bump that has been painted a crimson Redd.
The disciple of hatred. Precisely the type of man I condemn for self-righteous rejection of his fellow man. Redd openly rejects both mankind and God. He cannot be held entirely responsible for this. He was a disciple of Legion. Joseph Black fed the poison into Redd's mind and soul, turning Redd away from the light.
Come on back, Redd. Turn away from your life of self-righteous hate. Be the prodigal son. Climb out of the darkness and return to the light that is given to us all by the one true Father. The only problem with you is that you see Legion as your Father. Father Joseph Black, right? That fallen priest got his hooks into you, and turned you against your brothers. He turned you against Jude. He turned you against your true Father above. I pray that Joseph's soul may rest peacefully, but for Redd I pray that you will see the light before you join him.
After all, what is Redd without light? Redd is simply a color, and when there is no light a color cannot shine. Without the light, Redd will never be seen. It takes light for the eye to perceive the color of Redd. Step into the light, Redd, and shine.
You chose your previous path because of misguidance. All of us have made that mistake at some point. It is what you learn from your mistakes that counts. It isn't that you must always choose the correct path, because nobody always can. What matters is your ability to see when you are lost and find the way back on the right path.
It doesn't matter how you got to Faded Hearts. That can and will be forgotten. Can you find the strength to rise above? That is the true test. What are you going to do tomorrow? How are you going to move forward from this point? It is a question we all must answer. Will I let the World Heavyweight Championship loss keep me down tomorrow night, or will I drive forward with all the heart and fire and passion that got me there in the first place?
I think you know the answer to that last question. But how will you answer yours? How will you enter tomorrow night, and how are you going to walk out of tomorrow night?
Life is not a destination, but a journey. We all take wrong turns. We all hit our bumps in the road. Maybe we even get a flat tire or break down once in awhile. But at the end of the day it is how we drive on from where we are that really matters. Do you sit on the side of the road and die in the gutter, or do you pull it together and hit the ground running?
Redd, I will be your guiding light if you allow me to be. It is your choice whether to turn back around and rejoin your brothers, or continue to wallow in the darkness of your false Father.
But speaking of Legion, when you and I get in that ring tomorrow I will have a Pentagram waiting for you. I look forward to taking you to the mat and choking you into submission.
Submit to me, and be saved. The opportunity is here. The time is now.
Which will you choose, Redd? What matters more to you? The way you got here, or where you're going to go from there? The infinite darkness of the past or the unwavering brightness of the future?
It is a metaphor for career and for life. The road behind or the road ahead? The journey awaits."
Fade to LIGHT.