
faith  [feyth]


1. confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability.

2. belief that is not based on proof: He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.

3. belief in god or in the doctrines or teachings of religion: the firm faith of the Pilgrims.

4. belief in anything, as a code of ethics, standards of merit, etc.: to be of the same faith with someone concerning honesty.

5. a system of religious belief: the Christian faith; the Jewish faith.

6. the obligation of loyalty or fidelity to a person, promise, engagement, etc.: Failure to appear would be breaking faith.

7. the observance of this obligation; fidelity to one's promise, oath, allegiance, etc.: He was the only one who proved his faith during our recent troubles.

8. Christian Theology. the trust in God and in His promises as made through Christ and the Scriptures by which humans are justified or saved.

—Idiom 9. in faith, in truth; indeed: In faith, he is a fine lad.

The date is 15 November 2010. The time is 2330- 11:30 PM for those who prefer. Josh Konnely is seated on a low stone wall outside of a wedding chapel in Las Vegas, Nevada. He looks out over the Sin City strip with a look of disgusted pity and loathing. Josh is dressed in a crimson suit jacket and matching pants, with a black dress shirt and black patent leather shoes. He scoffs as he hops off the wall and onto his feet.

”This Sunday, Strike Towers Wrestling concludes its South of the Border tour in Mexico City. I, for one, could not wait to return to the United States. Hence, here I am in Las Vegas. Sin City. Near enough to the Mexican border, without actually being in the third world cesspool to the south of us.

Today is Tuesday, and I am preparing for a triple threat showdown with Grizzly Z and Jack Jones. A bear, and a cowboy. How fantastic. I feel like I am wrestling in Cirque du Soleil.

That is all the more reason for me to come to you from beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada, the place where it all began. Also, I have a message for which the City of Sin is the perfect backdrop.”

Josh walks silently down into the heart of the famed Las Vegas Strip, finally stopping outside of the world-renowned NEW YORK NEW YORK Hotel & Casino. He looks up at the towering replica of the Statue of Liberty.

”My message is one of FAITH. What is faith? It is a word that gets thrown around often without much thought.

People say it in empty consolation or support; ‘Oh, I have faith in you.’

They try to comfort you with the thoughtless, emotionless ‘have faith.’

But what does this word faith really mean?

Non-religious people have a tendency to hear the word faith and immediately tune it out, believing the word to be synonymous with religion, especially Christianity. Although I am a Christian, I do not feel that faith is so narrow a road.

Open your eyes to the possibilities. Faith is defined as confidence or trust in something or someone. It can also refer to an individually or a socially held construct of morality and decency, such as those established by lawmakers. In this sense, the Army Values and Uniform Code of Military Justice may represent a sort of faith. They are built on a faith in the brotherhood and its standards of personal behavior.

A more general definition of faith is a belief that is not based on proof or established fact. This meaning can envelope all other definitions in its simplicity.”

Josh looks away from the Statue and glances at all the people walking the Strip.

”People, both religious and otherwise, have a tendency to put faith in many people, places, and things. Most of these applications of faith are completely idiotic. Some put their faith in money. If you don’t believe that’s ridiculous, just look at the Bush Administration. Gas prices doubled- or even tripled, at times- from when Bill Clinton left office. They economy came crashing down like a house of cards in a chill November breeze. Money is fleeting, and thus far too unstable to place any faith upon.

Others put their faith in science, condemning religion as foolish dreaming. But why should I have faith in scientists? Let me reveal a little truth about SCIENCE. Scientists do not gather facts and evidence, then decide on a truth based upon those facts. No, they do not. Scientists BEGIN with a HYPOTHESIS. Essentially what they do is decide what “TRUTH” they want to establish, and THEN they go out and piece together whatever evidence they can muster to support it. Just take a look at the argument over whether diet soda is better for you, worse for you, or the same as regular soda. Consider also the reports that said eggs were good for you, then turned around and said eggs were bad for you, and finally compromised on the whites being good, but the yolks being bad.

Science is a whimsical child’s game. They only put up a façade of brilliance. It is guess work in a white lab coat is all it is. Think of it like a jigsaw puzzle. The scientists start out with a picture in mind, their “fact” or “truth” that they want to prove. Only when they have the full picture drawn out in their heads do they grab all the little pieces and try to fit them together to create the desired image or appearance.

No, science is no place for faith. Science is only what people WANT it to be. These head-scratching, shit-flinging primates have no clue what they are doing.”

Josh raises his arm, just for a second, to point back down the street where he had just come from.

”Earlier we saw a typical Las Vegas wedding chapel, right out of the old cliché. Can you imagine how fool-hardy their clientele are? They put their faith in someone whose idea of marriage is a quickie wedding on the Vegas strip. In most cases, they’ve probably met each other in a drunken party scene, and only known each other less than forty-eight hours.

How do people go to those sort of places? Have they no respect for themselves? Do they really believe they can trust in the “fidelity” and “sanctity” of a Vegas wedding?”

Josh waves a hand dismissively.

”Well, I’m getting off on a tangent here.

Most ridiculous of all are the people who put their faith in tobacco, drugs, and alcohol. When these people get hit with a pay cut at work and their girlfriends leave them, they go crying to their friends Johnnie, Jack, and Jose. There is no solace or comfort in that Unholy Trinity. Walker, Daniels, and Cuervo will not lift you up when you are down and out. If you truly desire salvation, the only three guys you need are my friends, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.”

Josh hangs his head.

”I am sorry, I do not mean to tell anyone what to believe. I meant to show only the power of faith. For centuries people have debated whether or not God is real, or at the very least whether or not He is still keeping watch over us.

People who question His existence say that they cannot believe in that which they do not see. But consider this for a moment: imagine a shepherd keeping watch over his flock by night. The sheep roam the field in the darkness; grazing, playing, and sleeping. Not every sheep will be able to see the shepherd as he keeps his sentry, but still he is there.”

He shakes his head.

“But faith is not limited to an all-powerful deity who sits in the clouds and watches every man, woman, and child all day every day. Regardless of whether that deity exists or not, the power of FAITH is absolute.

Countless people have conquered disease, alcoholism, and drug addiction- among other things- after finding a faith, mostly in God. Even if there were no such entity, the FAITH that these people gained somewhere along the way lifted them out of the blackness.

Whether it is a faith in a deity, or in one self, the power that such faith has on the human mind is truly unbelievable. So my message is simply this: In life, we all fall on hard times; but when you find someone or something in which you can build TRUE FAITH, that faith can see you through the darkest of nights.”

Josh begins to walk again, having no apparent destination in mind. He just heads back the same way he had come to this spot.

”I feel as though this message is especially pertinent considering who my two opponents are this coming Sunday night. Grizzly Z, a man that smokes like a chimney, probably drinks too much, and is already suffering from terminal cancer- at least that’s what I’ve been hearing from his opponents lately. Jack Jones, a former cowboy who seemingly takes little or no pride in himself. His self-esteem and self-confidence usually appears non-existent. Some call it humility, but that is far too light a word for Jack’s mindset.

Grizzly Z and Jack Jones are men who lack faith. It is for that reason that they are the way that they are. Grizzly Z drowns his pain and sorrows in a bottle and a carton of Newports. Jack Jones has absolutely no faith in himself. He wanders through life, miserable and alone.

It is said, Z and J, that with faith the size of a single mustard seed you can say to a mountain ‘Move!’ and the mountain will move. Now, simply imagine what you could accomplish with just a fraction of that faith? Grizzly Z, you could beat your cancer. Jack Jones, you could be World Heavyweight Champion. Instead, you place your faith in bottles and Walls. Those things never have and never will accomplish anything for you.

Faith in God. Faith in yourself. It really doesn’t matter. The bottom line is that you’ve gotta have faith.”

Josh Konnely opens a door and steps into a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant called The Crap Shoot Diner. The scene fades to RED.

Sometimes I feel like I'm alone
Hoping praying you hear me
I'm screaming inside to ease the pain
Save me keep me alive
I'm not afraid anymore
Of what I don't know
Believe [I put my faith] in the unknown
Believe [I put my hope] in God alone
Have faith in what you don't know

Sometimes I feel like I have to cry
Until my emotions have run dry
I'm breaking inside to hide the pain
Save me keep me alive
I'm not afraid anymore
Of what I don't know

Believe [I put my faith] in the unknown
Believe [I put my hope] in God alone

Have faith in what you don't know
I know You’re here
I can feel You now
I know Your love embraces me
I put my faith in the Unknown
I put my hope in God alone

Believe [I put my faith] in the unknown
Believe [I put my hope] in God alone
Have faith in what you don't know
[I put my faith] in the Unknown

Far from you sorrow I fate in what you don't know
Believe [I put my hope] in God alone
Have faith in what you don't know
You don't know