When wilt thou save the people,
Shall crime bring crime forever,
When wilt thou save the people,
When wilt thou save the people,
Stephen Schwartz, Godspell
Instead of "Perfect Insanity" by Disturbed, it is "Cowboys From Hell" that begins to play after the Shattersphere intro. The crowd cheers until Josh Konnely appears on the stage with the World Heavyweight Championship belt around his waist and a microphone in hand. The cheers instantly turn to boos as the fans see the condescending and vicious World Champion walk out. Josh smirks delightedly as he waits for the crowd noise to die down. Once it does get quieter, Konnely raises the microphone near to his lips, and speaks from the stage. The music quickly cuts out.
"Under the lights where we stand tall - Nobody touches us at all - Showdown, shootout, spread fear within, without.
Answer me this, Jack. Is a little Pantera supposed to intimidate me? Cowboy from Hell or Cowboy from Tulsa, it's also just a phony macho facade to me.
Myself, I was born in upstate New York. At thirteen I moved to the big city of Bridgeport, Connecticut. So you can plainly tell that I'm not too familiar with cowboys. All I know is that they're a mere step above the Amish in terms of being outdated and living in the past. Cowboys haven't been relevant since the days of the Rough Riders and the Alamo. Our last president, George W. Bush, was a Connecticut born Yale graduate who only played a cowboy on TV when he would visit his Crawford, Texas ranch. That aside, true cowboys remain obsolete in our world today. This is the twenty-first century, not the eighteen hundreds.
Jack Jones has contradicted himself by saying not to call him Cowboy, then turning around and saying is a Cowboy from Hell. Whatever, Crackpipe. Here's the thing: you can be the Cowboy from Hell if you want. I am a Messenger from Heaven. I am the guide to goodness and purity. Sort of a Harbinger of Holiness. If you want to play the Cowboy from Hell, I have no problem playing your game.
I will be the Indian to your Cowboy. Tonight, right there in that ring, I will scalp you. I will send the Cowboy From Hell back from whence he came. Call it a Holiday Homecoming. The Cowboy Goes Back to Hell. Send my regards to Dimebag, douche bag.
You have picked a pour time to cross me, little boy. It was thirteen years ago this Monday that my father passed away, and it is that pain which has altered me into the barbaric warrior I am today. People spend their whole lives trying to avoid suffering, to cover up and drown away their sorrows. The unfortunate, inconvenient truth is that mankind was meant to suffer. Anyone who thinks that they are above suffering deserves to suffer all the more.
It sounds like you have dad issues of your own. What is it? Was your biological father not man enough? Did he walk out on you as soon as he learned mommy O'Toole was knocked up with his immature little seed? Or did he stick around just long enough to abuse and neglect you until he soiled his image and name in your eyes? Well, that's quite a sad little story in and of itself, ain't it?
But for me, my father was my world. After he was born, he continued to go school and got his Bachelor's in journalism. Much of his life he worked two jobs to provide for my father, sister, and I. Even so, he always had time for us, and he never abused us. My dad was my best friend. If you think it's hard not knowing your father, imagine what it must be like to love him and out of nowhere he DIES. GONE. Gone forever, never to come back. That is MY pain.
So you'll forgive me if I have no pity on you for your wretched existence, or on anyone at all. Likewise, I will have no pity on you in that ring. If you're the Cowboy from Hell, I'm going to turn that horse around and send you back to Hell as quickly as that great beast can carry you.
You are the Cowboy from Hell, but me?"
Josh removes the SFT Championship belt from around his waist and holds it up head high.
"I'm the Champion of the World. I'm the Champion of Heaven. When the Cowboy rides into war with this Champion, you will be slaughtered and buried. I am the righteous, and I am what is right for Strike Towers. If you wish to oppose me, I will destroy you. Already I have warned you of the consequences which you will face for making the wrong choice. Tonight that comes to fruition when I hurt you and choke you the 'Hell' out.
Jack Jones, listen to what I tell you. I offer you salvation. I offer ALL of you salvation!"
Josh Konnely gestures to the fans in the stands, and gets booed for his troubles.
"It is obvious these fools refuse my guidance. That is fine with me. But Jack Jones, I suggest you don't make the same mistake these mindless sheep have made. Follow my lead. Follow the way of the Lord, Jesus Christ, or burn in Hell with the other 'Cowboys.' Tonight does not have to be your judgment day, but one day your choice must be made."
Konnely drops the microphone to the stage and puts the title belt over his shoulder. He turns and silently walks through the curtain to the back. The scene fades to WHITE.