It is Friday evening and the former World Heavyweight Champion sits cross-legged on the hood of a hunter green 2009 Dodge Challenger, overlooking Mohonk Lake on the Mohonk Preserve in the Shawangunk (pronounced SHAHN-gum) Ridge mountain range. Josh Konnely's newly grown out hair blows gently in the breeze. Dark sunglasses adorn his face, and he is wearing a black long sleeve t-shirt with blue camouflage pants. Above the lake the sun is setting, casting a mixture of orange, pink, and purple light over the lake and mountains. The car radio is on, the rock music somewhat contrary to the serene appearance of the scene.
"So, you like my new ride? It really pays negotiating a new contract when you're a former World Champion.
People around SFT have asked me since my return two weeks ago where I have been. I would like now to shed a little light on that mystery. During one of my wars with Ray Cross, I suffered a bruised clavicle. That injury was reaggravated during my run in with Kyle Murphy over in Ireland when I foolishly interrupted his Hall of Fame acceptance BS.
Rather than returning to the ring at that time and risking further damage to that collarbone, which could result in a fracture that would jeapordize my entire career, I took time off. While I was out of action, my existing contract expired. Negotiations began almost immediately on a new deal, the final agreement giving a sizeable bonus which bought this beautiful beast of a vehicle here.
Also during that period, I decided to undergo Lasik surgery. The laser eye surgery would allow me to permanently lose the contact lenses and/or glasses I had needed previously. This also required recovery time.
But now the injuries and the surgeries have healed up completely, and I have come home to once again dominate Strike Towers, to inflict the pain and punishment due to those weak minded and morally devoid fools that poison and contaminate the SFT locker rooms.
My in ring return last week did not go quite according to plan. All because that simpleton hobo that calls himself a saint was fool enough to trust an opponent in a triple threat match in order to tie me up in the ropes, thus taking me out of the equation, then turning his back on said opponent and allowing that man- Ryan Cage- to catch him completely off his guard with a finisher and a three count. All while the third man was left unable to do anything but watch.
I, however, was not beaten. Saint Jude lost, and he therefore paid the price for his own stupidity. This week things change. This week live on pay-per-view I get a one-on-one match with the native Anishinabe. Wonder what that will be like, eh? Filling in the undercard against perpetual mediocrity personified."
Josh pauses as he hears the voice of President Barack Obama on the car radio during a news break.
"I don't know, not having been there and not having seen all the facts, what race played in that. But I think it's fair to say, number one, that any of us would be pretty angry. Number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home..."
"Aw, what the Hell? Give me a damn break. Are we still on about that Professor Gates shit? Ooh, the man thought it was stupid. Yeah, 'police arrest man suspected of breaking into his own home.' I don't give a damn whether it's Cambridge or Compton, that does sound pretty damn stupid from the outside looking in. Without any further incite into the situation it DOES sound stupid.
Besides, let's be honest with ourselves, white America. If a white man were spotted in the same exact situation, and the police were called into investigate, and that white man acted in the exact same manner that this Professor Gates did... what is the likelihood that he gets arrested? If it was me, persay. Say I'm locked out of my house and have to bust through the door or climb in a window and when the police arrive I am belligerent and uncooperative. MAYBE I get fined, and possibly put in cuffs until I comply. But a full arrest? I rather doubt it. Because of the color of my skin? Don't get me wrong, I am not at all a fan of the minority 'RACE CARD' they always play, but in this instance I can see what could be considered a double standard.
Just get off Barack's back already. All he did was state an opinion in response to a question he was asked. Which, by the way, his predecessor openly stated some much more idiotic opinions during his tenure as President. Things like 'gay marriage threatens the American family' and 'we're winning the War in Iraq.' Anyway, if you think you may not like the answer you receive, don't ask the friggin' question. Did no one learn anything from Perez Hilton's mistake? Regardless of which side of the fence you fall on, he asked a leading question and received a contrary opinion from Miss California. Though admittedly I was sick of that bitch two hours after the pagaent. She made an insensitive comment on national television, and she lost the pagaent because of it, so I frankly don't give a damn to hear anymore about her dumb ass. And what was with that 'my country' shit anyway? I thought this was Miss AMERICA. I thought you were an AMERICAN. Now you're speaking for the entire nation, woman?"
Josh pauses, realizing he's gotten off on a tangent. He pulls off the sunglasses and continues.
"But anyway, where was I? Ah, yes, Vendetta. My opponent, Anishinabe, finds the name fitting. I, on the other hand, find it to be just another lame old cliche. Worse yet, it puts the spotlight squarely on the worst of SFT rather than the best. Strike Towers has long been marred by idiotic personal grudges and hatreds. Take a look at what happened to Shawn Walsh, or to Havoc. Look back farther at the implosions between The ICON and Dave Van Dam. Sure, they're the best of pals now all of a sudden. But back in the day their egos would barely allow them to stand in the same BUILDING together, let alone a wrestling ring.
For Anishinabe I suppose the Vendetta name is appropriate. From what I have seen, Anish has a Hell of a chip on his shoulder. I know not what about, since I have only just returned, and I have never paid that close attention to the events surrounding mister 'shinabe in the ring. I head him rambling something about The Accountant? Didn't make a whole lot of sense. Seemed a little random to me. Perhaps the IRS audited his taxes and he was pissed off about that? I could find no other cause for him to be so upset with The Accountant or any accountant. At first I honestly thought he mistakenly thought he was facing The Accountant at Vendetta rather than myself.
I think I would have to take some offense to that erroneous assessment.
All joking and joviality aside, I view Anishinabe's split focus as an error of the utmost cost. I see it as a FATAL error."
Konnely very carefully slides off the hood of his car and stands up. He walks to the edge of the lake, where he takes a knee and runs his hand through the soil there.
"Anishinabe, you look beyond me and towards settling some undetermined score or grudge with somebody else, 'EH?' Speaking of which, don't you think you overdo it just a little bit with the whole 'eh' thing, eh? But whatever floats your boat, eh? As far as your Vendetta- which is clearly not with me- you are a blind fool to allow yourself to be thinking about anyone other than the former World Heavyweight Champion you will face Sunday night: the Park City Punisher, the Konnecticut Krippler, the Butcher of Bridgeport, Josh Konnely.
Aptly named or not, Vendetta will be something of an anti-climax for you. This 'vendetta' you have distracted yourself with will never get settled because of your single-minded lack of focus. You just have to love the irony, don't ya'? Eff the world, you say? You will speak no more, you say? Well, I have got some bad news for you. If you are not completely focused on ME and ME ALONE at Vendetta, not only will you speak no more... you will LIVE no more.
Anishinabe, make no BONES about it. I will have no RESERVATIONS about ending you at Vendetta. Yes, with your obsession with The Accountant and The ICON, there is no way you will surive this former SFT Champion, the most brutal man in SFT today. Tonight I am here in Shawangunk, New York. But Sunday night we will be in Reno, Nevada. Anishinabe, that arena in Reno will serve as your INDIAN BURIAL GROUND, and it will be I that lays you in that grave. Forget about The Accountant. Forget about The ICON. And forget about the Lethal Lottery. You will not be living long enough to see any of them.
The sad part, kemosabe, is that you will only have yourself to blame. It is not I that will be responsible for your destruction. The culprit is you and only you. By neglecting to focus on your very dangerous opponent because of some 'vendetta' against The ICON and The Accountant, you have destroyed yourself. Even before the match has begun. I will merely be your deliverance. The Konn-sequences for your lack of judgment.
You will realize all too late that there is only ONE person you needed to be worried about at Vendetta. That person was not Dameon. Nor was it The Accountant, or The ICON. You were not facing The Beast, The Accountant, or The ICON. You were facing Josh Konnely, whose Death Grip squeezed the very last breath from your lungs.
Anishinabe, you claim you get no respect. In that case, it may just be time for you to start rejoicing. By Monday morning, everybody will be lining up to pay their respects to you, Anishinabe. Unfortunately for you, it will be their FINAL RESPECTS!"
Josh slowly rises, and pulls a sheathed dagger from his pants pocket. He turns from the lake as he unsheaths the blade, which he stabs deep into the bark of a tree as he walks back in the direction of his car. Fade to darkness.