(My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?)
Konnely: Eli, Eli! Lama sabachtani?!
The scene opens in complete darkness. Josh Konnely's low and soft voice fills the darkened room.
Konnely: My God, my God! Why have you abandoned me?!
The lights come on suddenly, revealing a large theater. Men and women fill the seats. Josh Konnely stands alone on the stage.
Konnely: Have we all not felt this way many a time when faced with a burden which seemed far too great to bear? Perhaps you have even echoed this sentiment before. It is a very mortal and human cry of anguish, to wonder where the grace of the Father is.
Konnely: Twice in his life Jesus and those with him had heard the voice of God ring out in His pleasure. "This is my Son, with whom I am well pleased." Hanging on that cross, Jesus needed to hear that voice more than he did at his baptism in the Jordan, or atop the mount at the transfiguration. But his Father now lay silent. God's voice was not heard, not by Jesus or by the gathered crowd.
Konnely: He suffered alone, and he died alone. The Son cried out to his Father, but no answer came.
Konnely: In the Garden, Christ prayed to his Father. "Father," he said, "if this cup may pass, let it pass. But not what I want, but what you want." He knew the fate that awaited, and he was afraid. He could have run from that place, or struck down the hands that bound him. He was to be punished not for any crime of his own, but for the crimes of man. For their crimes against the Father.
Konnely: When the Son of God was flogged, it was our sin that raised that flagrum and tore his flesh. When he was nailed to that cross, it was our sin that brought that hammer down on the nails, again and again.
Konnely: While he was on the cross, there were two criminals crucified at either side of him. One of those men mocked and taunted him, saying: "if you are really the Son of God, lift yourself up off the cross, and take us down with you. Show these people you are who you say you are." The other rebuked the first, saying: "have you no fear of God? We are criminals, and our punishment is just. This man... this man is innocent, but he dies for all of us. Jesus... Jesus... remember me... remember me when you come into your Kingdom."
Konnely: Similarly, we are all up there on those second and third crosses on one side or the other. Do we cry out and demand that He pull us down from out of the hands of death? Or do we accept our punishment, and ask only that we be remembered in His Kingdom?
Konnely: Do we die just as we lived, in sin and pride? Or do we die with the gift of the Son's salvation? We must pray that we hear those words which Jesus spoke to the second criminal: "Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise."
The camera cuts off, then reopens a couple of minutes later.
Konnely: After the earth was destroyed in flood, I made a covenant with all creation. I promised never again to destroy the earth with a flood, but you have made it your business to destroy creation by poisoning the waters, the air, the land, neglecting to consider the effects of your living on the fragile creation I have given to you.
Kongregation: Christ, have mercy on us.
Konnely: I called you to travel to new lands and to seek new adventures, promising to be with you always. In your zeal for conquest and power, you have slaughtered whole nations, or relegated them to slavery. You have not welcomed refugees, and have constructed lies to support your own history. I have given you enough for all, if you would only share. Yet you do not.
Kongregation: Christ, have mercy on us.
Konnely: I offer you loving ways to live, to guide you in ways of justice. You turn it into hardened law, place yourselves in judgment over your brothers and sisters, and make people feel guilty when they do not live up to your expectations.
Kongregation: Christ, have mercy on us.
Konnely:When you faced grave dangers, I offered you healing. Yet millions are sick and dying because they cannot afford basic medical care. Many with certain illnesses are made to feel ashamed, various methods of healing are devalued, and often you believe that you can control the forces of life and death.
Kongregation: Christ, have mercy on us.
Konnely: I continually offered you a covenant, promising forgiveness and a new beginning over and over and over again. Yet you have denied the rights of many even to exist, making nations and communities scapegoats for your guilt. You would deny my blessings and forgiveness to many, preferring your own limited view of my limitless love.
Kongregation: Christ, have mercy on us.
Konnely: I came to you as one of you, and you rejected me. You shouted "Hosanna!" and then "Crucify." You claim to adore my Messiah yet you deny many who would proclaim the gospel in his name.
Kongregation: Christ, have mercy on us.
Fade to black.
No Escape
"We Are One" by 12 Stones hits inside the Namihaya Dome in Osaka. Josh Konnely walks out first, followed by Kyle Murphy. They are each carrying a steel folding chair. Konnely and Murphy set the chairs up at the top of the stage and sit there. A referee hands each of them a microphone. The music cuts off as Konnely raises his microphone.
Josh Konnely: No Escape is just moments away. Tonight, Revelation takes control once again. War & Famine will tear down Mojo Rising and walk out of Osaka as Tag Team Championships.
Kyle Murphy: Really, Josh? You're just going to come right out and say it directly like that?
Josh Konnely: What would you like me to say?
Kyle Murphy: I don't know, maybe something that hasn't been said a million times.
Josh Konnely: Look who's talking, Murph. Look who's talking. You've been doing that your entire career.
Kyle Murphy: I'd like to deny that, but I don't suppose I can.
Josh Konnely: Hey, I respect a man who admits his faults. Even if it took him ten years.
Kyle Murphy: So how about Jackson Steed and Nic Diesel?
Josh Konnely: Mojo Rising? Yeah right. They couldn't get their mojos to rise even with a year's supply of Cialis.
Kyle Murphy: They've handed you and I our asses once or twice already.
Josh Konnely: So what? Even a blind nut finds a squirrel once in awhile.
Kyle Murphy: Don't you mean a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile?
Josh Konnely: Does it really matter? It's a cliche either way.
Kyle Murphy: Dude, when did we become a comedy duo. I feel like I'm on the Blue Collar Comedy Tour here.
Josh Konnely: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Kyle Murphy: Well, I've got something I would like to say to Mojo Rising if you're just writing them off.
Kyle Murphy: Steed. Diesel. At Eastertime we Christians recall the ultimate sacrifice of the crucifixion. We recall the death of Christ, as well as the victory Christ won over death. Those who embrace his cross and his sacrifice live knowing that we have already won. Not even the grave shall have power over us, for the Lord has lifted us above the grave with his blood.
Kyle Murphy: Do you know the strength of this victory, Mojo Rising? Or do you live without His salvation? Tonight, you just might find out. Tonight your cup shall not pass, for it is God's will that shall prevail. Tonight there will truly be No Escape. Your only hope is for the salvation of the cross. Say your prayers and take your vitamins, because tonight you're up against War & Famine.
Kyle Murphy: Murphy Abu. Murphy to victory!
Josh Konnely: Kiss those Tag Team Championships good-bye, boys.
"We Are One" hits again, and the scene fades to GOLD.