
"The secret side of me, I never let you see I keep it caged but I can't control it
So stay away from me, the beast is ugly I feel the rage and I just can't hold it"

Josh Konnely is kneeling carefully on the roof of the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, Washington. Josh is dressed in a long sleeve red Under Armour shirt and red sweatpants. Konnely holds his head in one hand, thinking in silence.

"It's scratching on the walls, in the closet, in the halls It comes awake and I can't control it
Hiding under the bed, in my body, in my head Why won't somebody come and save me from this, make it end?"

At last Josh Konnely lifts his head, and he speaks softly.

"I feel it deep within. It's just beneath the skin. I must confess that I feel like a monster.

These lyrics reflect the inner nature of mankind as a whole. Let's face it: we as human beings are merely over-evolved primitive apes. Just take a look around Cairo and you can see the reality of it: people reverting to their animalistic and violent tendencies in the face of controversy and extreme conflict. Social Darwinism. Dog eat dog. Survival of the strong at the expense of the weak."

"I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster"

"Often times people delude themselves into thinking that we are better than that, that we are above such things. In reality, human nature and animal nature are one in the same."

"I, I feel like a monster. I, I feel like a monster."

"Somehow we still manage to delude ourselves into believing that situations like the one in Egypt are an aberration, and that decency and compassion are the norm. To the contrary, decency and compassion are something that we program ourselves to practice. We have to teach ourselves such behavior, and force it against our true nature. THEY are the aberration: the deviance from normal human behavior. The chaos in Cairo? The sad truth is that THOSE are the norms of human psyche."

"My secret side I keep hid under lock and key I keep it caged but I can't control it
'Cause if I let him out he'll tear me up, break me down Why won't somebody come and save me from this, make it end?"

"Speaking of things that are delusional and of the human psyche, let's get to my opponent for the first round of the Craze In The Cage. Dawn Lenore Artemisk. The little lady-loving superstar has returned to SFT in hopes of making Sorik 'real again.'

Yeah, that pretty much makes my point right there by itself, doesn't it? To further the point, Dawn Artesmisk dances around like a puppet on a string, with the strings being pulled by the once self-professed Lord of SFT. The man once known as Jeff King, but now known simply as Nirvana. I suppose if Miss Artemisk were to discover the existence of Sorik in some way, then she would truly attain a state of Nirvana. Wouldn't she?

Well, maybe and maybe not. Every man and woman tends to spend their entire lives striving for one or two petty little things. Love, money, sex, drugs, rock and roll, or whatever people else dream of attaining. But how many people, once they achieve their dreams, find that they are truly happy with what they have gotten?

Look at Kyle Murphy. Murphy spent about five years coveting and struggling in vain to capture the SFW- later SFT- Championship. A title he has now held literally half a dozen times. But is Kyle Murphy truly happy with where he is today? I know him, and I don't believe he is.

Consider also the young girl who dreams from the age of nine years old of getting married and having children. To the child's mind, this existence would be the definition of bliss. But all too often the girl grows into a woman and finds the dream has become a nightmare. Many women become a mother of three and wife to a drunken and abusive husband. Or, the husband takes off and leaves her to raise three kids by herself, with an insufficient education for the job.

Dawn, I cannot fault you for chasing a dream. Sorik was your best friend in the world, was he not? For him to be gone- not only from the Towers, but from all existence and history- means that you are all alone. You've got nothing at all. Nothing for which to live. So it is understandable that you would jump through any hoops and walk through any Hell to get that back.

But is this Craze In The Cage worth it? Even if you make it through me, you've got to get through I don't know how many other rounds- because I'm too lazy to do the math- to get a shot at the World Title. And what happens if you meet Nirvana, the very puppeteer who's pulling your crazed little strings? Will your only purpose in the Craze In The Cage tournament be to make sure Nirvana gets the World Heavyweight Championship match? Will you bow down for your master and let him walk right over you?"

"It's hiding in the dark, its teeth are razor sharp There's no escape for me, it wants my soul, it wants my heart
No one can hear me scream, maybe it's just a dream Maybe it's inside of me, stop this monster"

"Can you feel the monster deep within you, Dawn? His name is Nirvana, and he has your already suspect mind poisoned under his false charisma. I hear you spitting such hateful words in my direction, but I am not fazed. I am undaunted. I forgive the venom you spew forth, because I know they are the words of the monster which has been allowed to consume you.

You are a fragile little thing, Dawn Lenore Artemisk. I rather pity you for your sad, sad fate. Both your girlfriend and your best friend have been ripped from you in one way or another. Everything you thought you knew is gone. Everything you loved is lost. I know that feeling. It is the feeling that made me the man I am today.

Yes, I think you and I are more alike than you may be willing to believe. Josh Konnely is the bitter, rage-filled alter ego borne and manifest from the pain of my previous life as the poor and pathetic Kyle Johnson. But while you allowed your pain to break your mind and body, I found strength in my faith in God.

Still, I am controlled by that monster in me. That monster is called Josh Konnely and he seeks to destroy everyone whom I hold responsible for my suffering. Not only for my suffering, but for that of all humankind.

It is a fine line, I guess you could say. A gray area. I tell myself that the world inflicts its suffering upon itself in an effort to rationalize my pain and the pain which I have caused. I live in this gray area, not completely black, but falling short of the white.

Somebody come and save me from this, make it end. Somebody save me from my monster, and Dawn Lenore Artemisk, perhaps I can save you from your own monster. Perhaps I can be your hero.

This will not be an easy, painless salvation, Dawn. It will be a liberation, and liberation always comes at a cost. Whether it is the emancipation of slaves, the fall of the concentration camps, or the demise of the Hussein regime in Iraq, there is always suffering to be endured and blood to be spilled.

It is said that the Lord our God is a 'burning, consuming fire.' Inside that cage, we two monsters will clash, and when we do I will lock you in the embrace of His Consuming Fire. You will feel the burning, searing pain. Either you will submit, or you will be consumed and destroyed when you pass out. Then my victory will be complete, as will your salvation.

Do not mistake my pity for mercy, my good, cute little Dawn. While I pity you, the monster in me will not allow me to show you mercy. Like a lion pouncing on a gazelle, the beast may feel pity for its prey, but it must be fed. It will kill and it will eat. There is no mercy, because mercy will surely kill the monster.

All the beast can do is clamp in its jaws and rip out the throat of its beautiful meal, to grant the prey a quick and painless death. That is all I can do for you inside that cage, where monsters like yours and mine belong."

"Monster" by Skillet begins to play. The scene fades to RED.

The secret side of me, I never let you see
I keep it caged but I can't control it
So stay away from me, the beast is ugly
I feel the rage and I just can't hold it

It's scratching on the walls, in the closet, in the halls
It comes awake and I can't control it
Hiding under the bed, in my body, in my head
Why won't somebody come and save me from this, make it end?

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster

I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster

My secret side I keep hid under lock and key
I keep it caged but I can't control it
'Cause if I let him out he'll tear me up, break me down
Why won't somebody come and save me from this, make it end?

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster

It's hiding in the dark, it's teeth are razor sharp
There's no escape for me, it wants my soul, it wants my heart
No one can hear me scream, maybe it's just a dream
Maybe it's inside of me, stop this monster

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I've gotta lose control, he's something radical
I must confess that I feel like a monster

I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster