Live from the TD Garden
Boston, Massachusetts
Opening Segment
My Sacrifice by Creed hits. The fans are jamming. But its such an old song, no one really gets that into it anymore. But it fits the moment, and in the end isn’t living for the moment enough?
We see Shadow at the rampway, much like we've seen him a million times. And probably a million times over. He has a microphone in his hands but before he can say a word, Switchblade comes running out and attacks him. The attack doesn’t last long, but its enough to cut open our owner.
Switchblade: Tonight was going to be a good night, but you know what old man, I aint even gonna try, you keep just saying one or two words to me, that aint good enough, I want your full attention and I aint stopping till I do!
RW: There's no going back after this, Switchblade just started a war.
JC: WAR is what SFT is great at, anyway.
RW: Here we go with our opening match of the night.
+Red Dragon versus Lion+
Standard Match
JC:: Red Dragon is already in the ring, and here comes his opponent.
The Jumanji theme hits the PA as Lion walks out, bearing his chest and staring proudly into the horizon. As he walks down to the ring a loud Lion's roar is heard. His walk is staggered and timid, as if stalking prey. He then climbs onto the apron just by stepping onto it, he then steps over the ropes and into the ring. He stares down Red Dragon as he goes to his corner.
JC: Lion looks ready.
RW: Everyone brings their A game to the pay per views!
The ref rings the bell to start the match and Red Dragon immediately runs over and starts laying into Lion with punches and kicks, but Lion pushes him away. Dragon hits a spinning heel kick that rocks Lion, backing him into the corner. Dragon quickly gets up on the 2nd rope and starts pounding on Lion with punches but Lion pushes him off. Dragon falls to the mat, and rolls back, running and again getting up on the 2nd rope and raining punches down on Lion.
RW: This is great strategy on Red Dragon's part.
JC: I think he's just making Lion angry.
Dragon keeps punching Lion, and this time Lion pushes him away with both hands, sending Dragon flying to the middle of the ring on his back, and again Dragon rolls back, onto his feet, and makes a run towards Lion, but this time Lion bursts out of the corner with a massive spear, that sends Dragon spinning inside out. The crowd starts chanting holy shit from the sheer impact of the move.
RW: Wow, that could've cracked some ribs.
JC: Lion really stalked his prey on that one.
Lion looks at Dragon, and scowls as he walks over and picks up Dragon off the ground and whips him to the ropes, hitting a big boot, that flips Dragon onto his face. Lion picks up Dragon and sends him to the corner, and follows in with a clothesline. Lion sits Dragon up on the top turnbuckle.
JC: Is he setting Red Dragon up for a superplex?
RW: That's insanity!
Lion sets a foot on the second rope, but Dragon starts kicking him, and then uses both feet to send Lion stumbling back a few steps. Dragon quickly adjusts himself, and gets up on the top rope. Dragon dives off with a crossbody block, but Lion catches him on his shoulders in a fireman's carry. The crowd gets up on its feet as Lion goes to the center of the ring and hits The Ravaging on Dragon. Lion makes the cover.
JC: Wow, that really was impressive.
RW: Dragon tried and tried, but Lion was just too much for him tonight.
JC: What a way to start off Sacrifice!
Winner: Lion via Pinfall
+Nirvana versus Kyle Murphy+
Standard Match
Broken, Beat & Scarred" by Metallica begins to play and the ramp lights up in the Irish tri-color. Kyle Murphy charges through the curtain and comes to a stop on the stage. The crowd boos and Kyle Murphy just shrugs. Kyle drops down on the stage and does five quick pushups before hopping back to his feet. Murphy then marches down the aisle stone-faced and with his head held high, ignoring the persistent boos of the crowd. At ringside, he runs up the steps before climbing through the ropes. In the ring, Kyle walks across to the opposite corner. Murphy places his right foot on the second rope as if to climb up the middle rope, but pauses. He shakes his head, and waves his arms dismissively. Kyle takes his foot off the rope and turns back to the center of the ring.
RW: Here is our former World Champ, he's been on a bit of a hot and cold streak. Sometimes he seems like the most unbeatable, then other times he seems like he's just out of it.
"Hurt" by Johnny Cash hits as the music of Nirvana has come to be. Kyle patiently stands in the ring and keeps waiting. Nirvana's music hits again and again no Nirvana.
JC: What's going on?
After a while the ref calls for the bell and awards the match to Kyle Murphy.
RW: Well that was a let down but, next match I know will not be.
Winner: Kyle Murphy via Forfeit
+Redd versus Payne+
Standard Match
Redd's music plays and he walks silently to the ring. He slides into the ring and raises one arm to a mixed reaction.
The lights in the arena go out and a spotlight appears on the stage. The seven foot monster Payne steps out into the spotlight, standing stoic and stone-faced. The spotlight follows Payne as he walks down the aisle. He climbs the ringsteps onto the apron, then steps effortlessly over the top rope. The monstrous Payne stands in the center of the ring and silently raises his arms over his head.
Behind Payne, Kyle Murphy slides out from under the ring. Murphy slides into the ring and shouts something to Payne. The seven footer turns around and Kyle runs at him, sending him to the mat with a double axe handle smash to face. Murphy shoots a glance over at Redd, who hops out of the ring.
JC: Hey, what gives?!
RW: Polish hammer!
JC: He's not Polish, he's Irish. What's a Polish hammer anyway?
RW: Okay, so it's an Irish hammer. Or an American hammer, by birth.
Payne sits up from the axe handle and rises to his feet. Kyle Murphy meets him with a lariat.
JC: Hard clothesline by Murphy.
RW: What is he even doing back out here? We just saw him get a forfeit victory over Nirvana, who couldn't be here tonight.
JC: I guess The Superior One came to Boston for a fight.
RW: And apparently he's picked the biggest dog in the yard.
Kyle Murphy grabs the right wrist of Payne with his left hand and drags the big man back to his feet. He holds Payne up only to take the monster down with a shortarm clothesline.
JC: Good heavens! Another massive clothesline takes the big man down!
Murphy pulls Payne to his feet by the back of his head, then clobbers the defenseless giant with a discus lariat.
RW: And one more for good measure!
Payne is nearly motionless as Kyle Murphy climbs back to his feet. Murphy lifts Payne again and this time hoists him overhead with a military press. After three deliberate press reps, Murphy tosses Payne behind himself. The giant free falls to the mat, hitting the canvas sternum first.
Payne manages to get to his feet, holding his gut and gasping for air. Kyle Murphy gets right back on him, lifting Payne on his shoulders with a fireman's carry. Murphy throws Payne forward over his head, slamming the giant down on his back.
JC: He drives him to the mat with the American Muscle!
Payne turns onto his stomach, and Kyle Murphy grabs him arond the waist with a gutwrench. In a display of raw power, Murphy lifts the giant Payne off the canvas and hits the Manhattan Project from a dead lift!
RW: Holy shit! Look at that strength!
At last Kyle Murphy slides out of the ring, grabbing the microphone from ring announcer Robyn Byrne at ringside. Kyle slides back in and lays prone on the mat, his face just a foot from Payne's ear.
Kyle Murphy: What? Did you think I was fool enough not to remember? Did you really think I would forget about Destination Madness last month? I was assaulted after being beaten bloody in a World Heavyweight Championship match, and YOU laid me out. Consider this your one and only warning. I never forgive, and I never forget. Pass this little message onto Dameon: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The next time Exile wants to start something with me... DON'T. Because I'll be more than happy to end it.
Murphy slides back out of the ring, leaving the microphone next to Payne's head. Redd cautiously climbs up the ringsteps and between the ropes. Referee Austin Jolley joins Redd in the ring as Kyle Murphy makes his way to the back.
Payne slowly crawls to the corner, where he pulls himself back to his feet. Jolley asks Payne if he would like to go forward with the match, and the monster nods without a word. Austin calls for the bell, and the match is immediately under way.
Payne stands up out of the corner and Redd runs at him, looking to take advantage of his battered and weakened state. Payne responds by lifting a big boot that sends Redd down hard. The big man pulls Redd to his feet and sets him up for a powerbomb, looking to end it early. Redd shifts his weight as Payne lifts him. The Forgotten One lands on his feet behind the monster. Before Payne can react, Redd hooks an inverted facelock.
JC: Payne is in trouble!
RW: He was in trouble before the bell even rang!
Redd lifts Payne parallel with the the mat, bounces the seven footer's legs off the top rope, and connects with the inverted slingshot suplex known as The Darkness.
JC: There it is!
RW: The Darkness!
Redd shoots the half to turn Payne over onto his back, then hooks the leg as he goes for the cover.
JC: It could be over!
RW: It SHOULD be over!
The bell sounds again as Payne was no match for Redd following the physical beating handed out by Kyle Murphy.
Robyn Byrne: Here is your winner... REDD!
Redd rises to his feet with hardly any sign of emotion as Austin Jolley raises his hand. The Forgotten One climbs out of the ring without any further celebration as "The Ballad" by Testament plays again.
Winner: Redd via Pinfall
+Twilight versus Michael Orton+
#1 Contender for Hardcore Championship
"Basket Case" by Green Day blares through the TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts as Twilight walks out on stage to a subdued and mixed reaction from the SFT faithful.
A loud smack is heard as Michael Orton appears behind Twilight and slams a steel chair across the former champion's back. Orton throws the chair down to the stage as Twilight crumples into a heap at his feet. Michael turns Twilight onto his back and stomps his right arm. Orton begins to walk around Twilight as he lays on the steel, stomping each available limb as he passes it. Once he has finished this punishment, Michael pulls Twilight to his feet. From the ring, referee Fred Dailey decides to call for the bell and start the match right away.
JC: Hey, what's up with that?
RW: It is a number one contender's match for the Hardcore Championship, with the winner to challenge Dameon for the gold. My guess is that the referee decided to get this thing started as a hardcore match. I like it! Just let 'em go!
Michael Orton drags Twilight down to ringside before dumping him back first onto the steel ramp with a scoop slam. Orton "helps" Twilight to his feet again and rams him spine first into the ring apron. Michael rolls Twilight into the ring, then reaches under the apron. He pulls out several toys: a baseball bat, a sledgehammer, a trash can, a toolbox and finally a table. The crowd cheers as soon as the table comes into view. Orton leaves all the weapons out on the floor as he slides back into the ring. Twilight gets to his feet, and Orton meets him with a forearm to the back of the head. Michael follows with a back suplex.
Twilight pops back up to his feet and Michael Orton puts him down with a Northern lights suplex, which he releases. Twilight gets up a little bit slower this time, and Michael Orton pops off a machine gun suplex. Twilight is even slower to get up now, and Orton just waits on him. Michael hooks Twilight from behind and delivers a sleeper suplex.
JC: An absolute clinic by Michael Orton!
RW: Now we know why he calls himself the Human Suplex Machine!
Michael Orton slides back out of the ring and sets up the table on the floor. He then grabs the baseball bat and slides into the ring with it. Twilight staggers back to his feet and Orton drives the head of the bat into his gut. Michael then swings the bat almost like a golf club and hits Twilight squarely between the legs.
JC (high pitched): OH MY GOD!
RW: Okay there, Joey Styles. Wait, why do I know that name?
JC: Good trip?
RW: Could be.
The camera cuts to the stage to see Kyle Murphy looking on from the top of the ramp. He walks silently down the aisle and circles the ring. Murphy grabs a headset and takes the third seat at the announce table.
As Twilight lays on the mat in a fetal position holding his cracked nuts, Michael Orton slams the bat down across his ribs. Orton tosses the bat aside and stomps the exposed ribcage.
JC: Hey Kyle Murphy, not that I'm not glad to see you- for the third time tonight- but why ARE you here now?
Kyle Murphy: Well John, in case you missed it last week I faced Dameon for the Hardcore Championship. Now, you guys know full well that I couldn't give a damn less about that jobber title. But last week Dameon did not defeat me. The match ended in a draw. As far as I'm concerned, that means I have an equal fifty-fifty claim to the SFT Hardcore Championship. So I just thought I'd come out here and find out first hand who is going to be challenging for MY title.
RW: Well, there you have it, John. In his mind he is co-Hardcore Champion.
Michael slides out again and tosses the timekeeper out of his chair. Orton takes the chair and slides into the ring with it. He opens the chair again and stands it in the center of the ring.
Michael Orton grabs Twilight in a cravate and pulls Mister Rivers to his feet. Orton runs forward, looking to hit a cutter onto the seat of the chair. Perhaps on instinct alone, Twilight lifts Orton off the mat and throws him forward. Michael lands hip first on the exposed steel seat of the chair, which collapses beneath his weight.
JC: Lord have mercy!
RW: Sorry, the Lord isn't here tonight.
Michael Orton is back on his feet in a hurry, but clearly in a great deal of pain. Twilight lifts Orton in a fireman's carry, then shuffle steps to his right until he gets to the ring ropes. There Twilight tosses Michael Orton over his shoulders and over the top rope. Orton crashes through the table which he himself set up.
JC: Christ have mercy!
RW: He just flipped him over the top and clear through the table!
Twilight rolls under the bottom rope and out to the floor. He dives on top of Orton and pins him among the wreckage of the table.
JC: It's all over!
RW: Just like that! Twilight turns it around with just one move after Michael Orton completely dominated him from the start!
Winner: Twilight via Pinfall
+Switchblade vs. Josh Konnely+
#1 Contender to National Championship
"Dragonfly" by Shaman's Harvest plays as SwitchBlade steps through the
curtain to a chorus of boos. Once at the top of the ramp, he removes his
leather coat and sunglasses and tosses them to the side. He is holding a
mic in his hand, and the wounds and scars from his previous fights are
RW: Here comes SwitchBlade, and it looks like he’s going to say a few words
before his match.
JC: Gee, you think? I couldn’t tell by the mic in his hands.
RW: Never you mind, Johnny. I’m sure SwitchBlade has a few more choice
words to say about Shadow tonight.
SwitchBlade slides under the ropes. He gets up and looks around at the
crowd as they still boo him. When his music dies down, he speaks.
“I just want you all to know that I am nothing more than a victim tonight.
I did not want this match, I did not ask for this match. I have said
countless times that I do not want, nor do I need, more chances at
worthless title belts held by puppets.”
The crowd boos a little louder.
“I am here against my will because Shadow, your hero, does not have the
courage to face me on one. Instead, he hires a goon by the name of Josh
Konnely to take his place. How many more do I have to go through, Shadow?
You’re going to run out of toys very soon, and when you do, there will be
no hiding from me. I don’t care if I break every bone in my body. I WILL
get my revenge.”
SwitchBlade pauses to point at the fans.
“You people are all being swindled out of your hard earned money. You all
would rather see me face Shadow, but instead I have to fight lower caliber
opponents that I shouldn’t be wasting my time with. Because Shadow is a
coward, you people lose out. Yet you all still cheer for him. You all
consider him to be some type of wrestling God. He’s no God…not even close.
But you won’t listen to me. You don’t see the big picture. I don’t even
know why I bother trying to explain it. Now let’s get this over with. I
have better things to do."
SwitchBlade tosses his mic aside and waits for his opponent.
RW: What has happened to SwitchBlade, Johnny? He used to be so much better
than this.
JC: It's like he's corrupted, Randy. All he can think about is taking down
Shadow for good. He could care less about this match, and probably all
other matches that don't involve the founder.
"NEVER BACK DOWN IN THE FACE OF ANGER!" The lights flicker, then go out as "Indestructible" by Disturbed blares through the arena. A yellow light illuminates the stage area, and two rockets of pyro fly from the far side of the arena to explode on the stage. Josh Konnely steps out into the smoke left by the exploding pyro, and raises his arms as the crowd boos. With his fists clenched and a scowl on his face, Konnely walks down the aisle to ringside.
RW: Josh Konnely looking ready to do battle here at Sacrifice John.
JC: You got that right Randy, and frankly I am not sure if these two have ever faced off before.
Josh is in the ring when Switchblade is nails him from behind with a forearm to the head of Josh Konnely. Josh to the outside, Konnely tumbles down onto the ground with Switchblade following behind with multiple kicks to the robs before the referee makes it out to put a stop to it. The Referee orders Switchblade into the ring, then The Ref double checks on Konnely. Josh shakes his head yes, he'll keep fighting. Josh gets up even more pissed off as he rolls into the ring.The two men are throwing haymakers. Switchblade blocks the third right hand with a kick to the gut. Then followed up with a snap DDT.
JC: Switchblade with a sneak attack on Konnely that looks to be paying off!
RW: Ya but for how long John, Switch looks slightly out of it for some reason.
Switchblade goes back toward the corner of the ring and as Josh goes to get up, Switchblade goes running across the ring with a flying knee to the face of Konnely, but Konnely slips to the left catching Switchblade with a Inverted Lungblower to the mid-section of Switchblade.
RW: Oh! Big move from Josh Konnely that could have cracked a rib or two.
JC: Josh finally mounting some solid offense.
Konnely grabs the head of Switchblade and nails him with a Swinging Neckbreaker. Switchblade grasping the neck, Konnely reaches down and puts a "Arm Triangle Choke". The referee goes to check on Switchblade, but Switchblade says no before reaching for the ropes.. Josh refuses to let go when the Referee calls for the break...Then the ref makes the count....1......2.......3........4... Josh lets go just in time. Rolling away from Switchblade, Josh get's close enough for Switchblade to swing his leg around but Josh catches it.
JC: Konnely almost getting himself disqualified there.
RW: But a beautiful move nonetheless John.
JC: But a beautiful move non-duh duh duh... Suck up...
Looking around the ring, and out to the crowd, Josh brings both knees down onto the leg of Switchblade with a loud yell that was heard from the whole arena. Getting back to his feet, Josh lifts Switchblade up, then lifts hip up to the top rope. With a few punches to counter Switchblade, Josh goes to the near corner with a returning run toward Switchblade dazed on the top rope nailing a Shining Yakuza Kick. Switchblade falls down to the outside of the ring as the referee starts to count out Switchblade, but before the referee got to three, Konnely was already going outside the ring to toss in Switchblade. Konnely gets back into the ring calling for the end, then Josh comes behind Switchblade with a dragon sleeper, but as he holds onto it, Josh lifts Switchblade up and drops him onto his head, following up with a quick Final Extinction.
RW: Oh god it has to be over!
JC: Switch is fading... fading... fading...
The referee goes to check on Switchblade, and made sure it's not a illegal choke but it didn't matter because Switchblade has now tapped out...
Winner: Josh Konnely via Submission
+Johnny Legend versus Kris Chambers+
National Championship
Hell In A Cell Match
The Hell in a Cell cage descends into position around the ring and the bell rings for no real reason. Referee Sean Whitcomb opens the cage door and climbs into the ring, holding a lock and chain in his hand.
"The Lord Is a Monkey" by Butthole Surfers slowly fades in - a voice comes on and says, "Bow Down Blockheads!"
Fireworks go off ontop of the ramp. "The Lord Is a Monkey" by Butthole Surfers really kicks in, as the mist slowly fades away from the fireworks. Suddenly, Johnny Legend walks through the mist. Sporting flashy purple tights and jacket, as he stands on top of the ramp.
"Coming down to the ring at this time, (Legend walks down the ramp) weighing in at 250 pounds, hailing from Fire Island, New York... JOHNNY LEGEND!" Robyn Byrne says into the mic.
Johnny Legend slowly walks up the steps, and gives a few words to the fans... Some unkind words. He then gets into the ring and steps into the middle... Fireworks burst to the sides of the ring - Legend turns slowly around in a full circle and shows his winning smile. The mist clears after a few seconds, and Legend awaits his opponent, while he rests his back in a corner of the ring.
RW: Bow down, blockheads! Bow down to the King!
JC: Will you knock it off, you brainless mark?
The lights go out in the arena with "Stupify" by Disturbed blasting over the arena's speakers. Green and silver pyro shooting up around the stage as green smoke rises with Kris Chambers walking through the smoke down to the ringside area. As the fans scream with mixed reactions Kris climbs into the ring as the lights fade back to normal and the music stops.
Robyn Byrne: The following contest is a HELL IN A CELL MATCH scheduled for ONE FALL and it is for the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first... the challenger... weighing in at 250 pounds... from FIRE ISLAND, NEW YORK... JOHNNY... LEGEND!
JC: Yeah, did we really need the double intro?
RW: It's good to be the King!
Robyn Byrne: And his opponent... he is the CURRENT National Champion, representing the United States... weighing in at 225 pounds... from ATHENS, GEORGIA... KRIS... CHAMBERS!
While Sean Whitcomb is securing the cell door with the chain and lock, the sound of sirens fills the arena. "Indestructible" by Disturbed plays over the loudspeakers and Josh Konnely walks back out onto stage, having just defeated SwitchBlade. The music fades back out as Josh walks to the middle of the entrance ramp before stopping. Konnely watches on as Sean Whitcomb locks the cell door shut and climbs back into the ring. The bell rings.
RW: Here we go! National Championship time!
JC: Hell In A Cell for the National Championship!
The match starts with a routine collar-and-elbow tie-up. Johnny Legend begins to bend Kris Chambers backwards, making full use of his size and strength advantage. Kris suddenly muscles up and pushes himself back to an even footing with Johnny. Legend and Chambers kind of dance around each other as the hold the lock up, turning ninety degrees... then 180... then 270... and finally ending up right back where they started. Kris finally gets the better of things by sliding his right foot behind Johnny's right foot and sweeping the leg out from under him. Legend falls flat on his back, and Chambers chuckles. Johnny gets to his feet, totally irate, and charges at Kris. Chambers is ready for Legend with a drop toe hold.
JC: Pretty basic opening.
RW: How boring! Start killing each other!
Johnny stands up and Kris hits a knife edge chop. Chambers follows with a kick to the knee. Legend fights back with a right hand. Johnny and Kris now begin to exchange fast and hard right hands. As is often the case, the bigger man gets the better of this exchange. Legend forces Chambers to one knee, but Kris responds by taking Johnny to the mat with a double leg takedown. The fist fight continues on the mat, but Kris Chambers now has the advantage with Johnny Legend on his back. Johnny rolls out of the ring, and Kris gives chase.
RW: Here we go!
JC: There's nowhere for Legend to run!
Kris Chambers grabs Johnny Legend by the back of the head and rams his face into the steel of the cell. Johnny answers by grabbing Kris' hair and slamming HIS face into the cell. Legend attempts to drive the champions' face into the steel a second time, but Chambers blocks it and throws his elbow back into the face of the challenger. Kris grabs Johnny and hits a version of a side Russian leg sweep into the cell wall. Chambers stays standing and keeps hold of Legend. Kris follows with a front Russian leg sweep that sends Johnny face first into the ring apron. Legend falls to the arena floor in a heap, and Chambers raises an arm in a moment of brief celebration.
Kris reaches under the ring and pulls out a trash can as Legend gets to his feet. Chambers throws the trash can and it hits Legend right in the head. Johnny staggers back a step, and Kris hits himm with a superkick.
JC: MY GOD! THE RESOLUTION! Chambers just hit Legend with his own finisher!
RW: He can't do that! That's Johnny's move!
Legend drops straight backwards like a falling tree. Chambers rolls him into the ring and slides in after. Kris turns Johnny onto his back and hooks a leg.
RW: Not like this!
Legend kicks out!
JC: Did he get him?! NO! Only two!
Kris slides back out of the ring as Johnny tries to catch a breath. Chambers goes under the ring in search of some new toys to play with. He comes back out with a 2x4 and a kendo stick. He throws the kendo stick into the ring, then slides in with the 2x4 in hand. Johnny gets to his feet, and Kris slams the 2x4 over his head.
JC: Good God in Heaven! That 2x4 did not give one bit!
RW: It very well may have broken Legend's skull, though! Oh no!
Kris reaches into his boot and pulls something out as Johnny lays prone and bleeding on the canvas. Chambers uses what he pulled from his boot to light the 2x4 on fire; he then proceeds to slam the burning board across Legend's exposed back. Johnny hops to his feet in agony, but has the where-with-all to grab the kendo stick. Kris swings the flaming 2x4 at the challenger's head, but he ducks under the swing. Legend hits Chambers across the small of the back with the kendo stick. Kris turns around, and Johnny hits him in the gut. At last Kris drops the flaming 2x4 as Johnny slams the kendo stick across his back.
Johnny takes a home run cut at Kris' head with the kendo stick. This time the champion ducks underneath. Kris runs to the ropes and springboards off the middle rope with a moonsault, hooking an inverted facelock on Johnny as he lands on his feet behind the challenger. In one fluid motion, Kris drops Johnny with a reverse DDT.
RW: Holy crap, what a move!
JC: The champion is looking really good right now.
Chambers turns into a cover.
Legend gets a shoulder up at two.
Kris Chambers pulls at his hair and rolls out of the ring. He reaches under the ring and pulls out a red velvet bag. Kris slides into the ring with the bag and empties its contents in the corner as Johnny uses the ropes to pull himself up.
JC: My God! What is THAT?!
RW: They're TACKS! It's thumbtacks!
Kris Chambers turn towards Johnny Legend with evil intentions, but walks right into a superkick. Johnny hits THE RESOLUTION out of nowhere... and Kris falls backwards ONTO THE TACKS!
JC: Be careful what you wish for, Kris Chambers! You wanted Hell In A Cell, you got Hell In A Cell!
Kris Chambers instantly begins to roll around and writhe in agony, the thumbtacks lodged in his back and arms. He cries out in pain. Johnny Legend gets back to his feet and pulls the champion up to his feet. Johnny whips Kris to the ropes and on the return he hits a powerslam made all the more brutal by the tacks in the champ's back.
JC: Great powerslam!
RW: This could do it!
Johnny hooks both legs as he covers.
Chambers gets a shoulder up!
Kris rolls to his stomach and slides out of the ring. Out on the floor, he attempts to pull some of the tacks from his arms and back. Johnny follows his battered prey to the outside. Chambers buys himself some time by sliding back into the ring and out the other side. The champion reaches under the ring as Legend slides back inside. Kris tries to pull a ladder out from under the ring, but it is too tall. The top rung hits the wall of the cell, preventing the ladder from being removed from under the ring.
RW: He's got a ladder!
JC: But he can't get it out from under the ring!
Johnny Legend climbs out of the ring and catches Kris Chambers with a forearm to the back of the head. Johnny takes a few steps back and charges at Kris. Chambers catches Legend with a hip toss, dropping the challenger spine first onto the steel ladder!
JC: OH! There's still some fight in the champion!
RW: How in the WORLD? He's got thumbtacks lodged in his NECK, for heaven's sake!
Kris Chambers falls to his knees, fighting for breath. Johnny Legend grabs the wall of the cell to pull himself back to his feet. Johnny reaches under the ring and pulls out a toolbox as Kris gets to his feet again. Legend pulls a screwdriver out of the toolbox as Chambers comes at him. Kris grabs Johnny by the hair, but the challenger drives the flathead into the champion's temple, cutting him open instantly!
RW: Holy shit! A screwdriver in the skull! That's just sick!
JC: Now both men are busted open! How much longer can this go on?!
Johnny tosses the screwdriver into the ring as Kris drops to the floor, near lifeless. Legend lifts Chambers in a bearhug around the waist, trying to squeeze out what little life is left. Johnny then runs around the ring, sprinting towards the cage door as he keeps hold of Kris. The cell door rips off the hinges as the bodies of Legend and Chambers crash into the chain link!
JC: What the HELL?!
RW: Legend just speared Chambers right through the cage door!
The door hangs limp, still chained to the wall, as Johnny and Kris lay motionless on the floor outside the cell.
RW: Four hundred and seventy-five pounds of combined weight just slammed into that steel chain link of the cell door! The door never stood a chance!
JC: This is insane! Stop this madness!
Referee Sean Whitcomb slides out of the ring and checks on both competitors, seemingly thinking about calling a stop to the match. As he is checking on Kris Chambers, Johnny Legend begins to crawl towards the security barrier, using the ringside retaining wall to get to his feet. He stands on "spaghetti legs," but staggers to the wall of the cell. Johnny begins to climb the cell wall as Whitcomb helps Kris to his feet. Sean asks Kris if he wants to continue. Chambers responds by shoving the referee aside and chasing Legend up the wall of the cell. Johnny takes a moment on the roof of the cell to catch a breath as Kris follows in pursuit.
JC: What on earth is going to happen now?!
RW: I have no idea, but I don't think it's going to be good!
Chambers reaches the roof of the cell, but Legend grabs him and hits an arm drag on the steel! Kris springs to his feet purely on instinct. Johnny goes for The Resolution again. Chambers ducks underneath, and Legend staggers by as the kick misses wildly. Johnny turns back to face Kris, who scoops him up for a fallaway slam. Chambers wanders to the center of the roof of the cell, right over the center of the ring, carrying Legend all the while. Bending his knees, Kris backflips over with Johnny in hand. The entire section of the roof of the cell collapses as their bodies slam down onto it, and the two of them are sent free falling to the mat below!
RW: That was a standing version of the Chamber Of Death! They just crashed through the roof of the cell all the way down into the ring!
Johnny Legend lies motionless on the mat. Kris Chambers rolls onto his side, kicking his feet out as he holds his ribs. Kris pounds the mat with one hand. Johnny is yet to move at all. Chambers hops to his feet, suddenly fired up with adrenaline. He climbs out of the ring and again pulls a few tacks from his arms, neck, and back. The champion staggers through the broken door and begins to climb the cell again!
RW: Come on, ref! End this match!
JC: Kris Chambers clearly is NOT in his right mind! You can't win up there, Kris! You have to pin him!
Even so, Kris Chambers scales the cell with surprising speed given his condition and the death fall he just took Johnny Legend on. At the top, Kris staggers over to the hole in the cell's steel ceiling. Chambers throws his arms in the air.
JC: What's he doing?!
Kris dives through the hole, attempting a flying body splash from the top of the cell! At the very last second, Johnny rolls no more than three feet to right. Chambers slams to the mat chest first as Legend moves out of the way!
JC: Crash and burn! Johnny Legend moved out of the way I believe on instinct alone, and Kris Chambers may have just broken every bone in his torso!
Sean Whitcomb runs into the ring and looks at the motionless bodies of the two men. He shrugs in disbelief and uncertainty, again thinking about ringing the bell and throwing the match out. The referee begins an unusually slow ten count.
1.......... 2.......... 3.......... 4.......... 5.......... 6.......... 7..... Chambers begins to stir, rolling to the ropes..... 8..... Kris uses the ropes to prop himself up..... 9..... Johnny Legend kips up, bringing a stop to the count.
Kris Chambers and Johnny Legend meet again in the center of the ring. Johnny tries to kick Kris in the gut. Chambers catches the boot, holding the leg up as he sweeps out Legend's other leg to take him down to the mat. Kris hooks Johnny's legs up for a sharpshooter, pausing to catch a breath before trying to turn it over.
JC: This could be the Torture Chamber!
RW: He's going for the sharpshooter!
Kris holds Johnny's legs with one arm, holding his ribs with the other. Legend reaches out desperately as Chambers starts to turn the hold over. Johnny's hands find the 2x4, which is no longer on fire, and he uses the charred board to hit Kris in the thigh. Chambers defiantly turns Legend over into the sharpshooter. Johnny takes one more desperate swing behind himself with the 2x4, connecting with the side of Kris. The board also hits some of the tacks, and the pain of the blow forces the champion to release his hold. Chambers falls to his knees as Legend pulls himself to his feet. Legend grabs the champion and pulls him to his feet. Johnny takes Kris down with a side Russian legsweep, once again making a routine move absolutely devastating due to the tacks lodged in the champion's flesh, as well as the potentially injured ribs.
RW: Pin him!
JC: He's got an opening!
Legend is very slow to get back to his feet as Chambers writhes in pain on the mat. Johnny slaps his thigh three times, thinking about giving Kris the Resolution again. The challenger walks over to the corner, but stops as a new thought seems to enter his scrambled brain.
JC: Now what?!
RW: He was thinking superkick, but I believe he has changed his mind!
Johnny Legend smirks arrogantly as he wanders over to the legs of Kris Chambers. Johnny lifts Kris' legs... and locks in a sharpshooter of his own!
RW: It's the Torture Chamber! He's got it locked in! Absolutely brilliant!
JC: This has got to be payback! Chambers hit Legend with The Resolution earlier, so now Legend puts Chambers in his own hold, the Torture Chamber!
Kris Chambers screams out in agony as Johnny Legend sinks the hold in deep.
Sean Whitcomb: What do you say?! Do you want to give it up?
Kris Chambers: NOOO!
Chambers pounds the mat twice with both fists, and the crowd cheers, trying to will him out of the hold. His bloody face contorts as he reaches for the ropes in vain.
JC: Come on, Kris! Fight it!
RW: No! Give it up, Kris! Think of your health! Save yourself!
It only takes a few more seconds before Kris Chambers falls motionless in the sharpshooter of Johnny Legend. Sean Whitcomb shakes his head and waves his arms. Whitcomb turns and immediately calls for the bell, declaring that the champion is done. The bell rings, and "The Lord Is A Monkey" blares across the loudspeakers as the shattered remains of the cell begin to rise back to the rafters above the ring. Johnny Legend releases the submission hold and crumples to the mat, barely conscious himself.
RW: It's over! Legend's done it!
JC: Kris Chambers did NOT tap out, but it didn't take long for him to PASS out!
Sean Whitcomb climbs out of the ring and grabs the National Championship belt.
Winner: Johnny Legend via Knockout
JC: What an incredible, unbelievable match!
RW: And we aren't done! We've still got a World Championship match to come!
JC: This very well could have been a World Title main event, but that is Rayn versus Tao, and it's next!
RW: They've got a tough act to follow!
Johnny Legend gets to a knee and Sean Whitcomb hands him the the National Championship. Josh Konnely slowly walks the rest of the way down the ramp and climbs the ringsteps. Legend gets to his feet as Konnely steps into the ring. Josh offers his hand out to Johnny. The wobbly Legend accepts Konnely's handshake, but Josh kicks him in the knee. Johnny falls back to a knee, and his number one contender begins raining down punches on the new champion's bloody head.
RW: What the Hell is the point of this?!
JC: Josh Konnely just won a National Title shot, he came out here to get a good look at who he would have to face, and now he's beating the Hell out of the new champion!
As Konnely takes it to Legend, Kris Chambers gets back to his feet. Chambers sees what is going on and hits Konnely with a forearm to the face. As Chambers punches Konnely down to his knees, Legend recovers his feet. Johnny and Kris now begin an impromptu double team on Josh.
JC: Look at this! After they just beat the living daylights out of each other, now we've got former champion and new working together against a common enemy!
RW: This is a matter of survival, John! Neither of these guys is in any condition to fight off the self-proclaimed Butcher of Bridgeport by themselves, but together they have a chance!
Legend's music cuts out as the fight erupts.
"Attention! Attention! All citizens are ordered to report to their District detention centers! Do not return to your homes! Do not contact anyone! Do not use any cellular or GPS devices! Surrender all weapons at once! Attention! This way to the camps!"
The audio clip begins the playing of "Endgame" by Megadeth over the loudspeakers. A man dressed in a white t-shirt with white jeans and white boots leaps the security barrier at ringside. He slides into the ring and hits Chambers with a forearm to the back of the head.
RW: What the?! Who is this now!
JC: It's Dave Kilmister, the muscle for Lars Adams!
RW: What is he doing here? Why is he helping Josh Konnely?!
JC: Your guess is as good as mine!
The music stops as Kilmister lifts the much smaller Chambers and drives him to the mat with a chokeslam. Konnely takes advantage of the distraction to rake Legend's eyes and get back to his feet. Johnny staggers right into a bicycle kick from Dave!
JC: Dave Kilmister has just laid waste to Kris Chambers AND Johnny Legend, old champion and new champion!
RW: They never stood a chance after the war they just fought!
"Let It Roll" by Divide The Day hits the loudspeakers.
RW: Here we go! That's the music of Lars Adams!
JC: Maybe now we'll get some answers! Or at least regain some sense of order.
Lars Adams runs out, dressed entirely in pale green. Kyle Murphy is right behind him, now wearing a black t-shirt and black jeans with black boots.
JC: Well, The Power members are all dressed in the same clothes as seems to be their norm.
RW: Yeah, just all in different colors.
Lars and Kyle slide into the ring. Adams comes face to face with Konnely, and Murphy with Kilmister. Adams' music cuts off as the four square off.
RW: We could have a face off right here!
JC: Sure looks like they're all ready to fight!
Adams and Murphy suddenly smile. Lars hugs Josh, and Kyle hugs Dave. Adams then hugs Kilmister as Murphy hugs Konnely.
JC: Good Lord! What are we seeing?!
RW: It looks like The Power has welcomed Josh Konnely into the family!
Kyle Murphy grabs hold of Kris Chambers and pulls him to his feet as Josh Konnely does the same with Johnny Legend. Dave Kilmister climbs out of the ring
RW: Celtic Cruelty to Chambers!
JC: Egocide on Legend!
Dave Kilmister brings four microphones into the ring as Lars Adams tosses a red t-shirt to Josh Konnely, who is still dressed in his ring attire. Konnely puts the t-shirt on and he takes a microphone from Dave.
Josh Konnely: War!
Kyle Murphy: Famine!
Dave Kilmister: Pestilence!
Lars Adams: And finally... Death!
JC: Weird.
RW: Cryptic.
Lars Adams: Strike Towers, behold the NEW Power in SFT. We are omnipresent! We are forever! We are The Battery! With the four horsemen ride, or choose your fate and die!
Josh Konnely slaps the shoulder of Dave Kilmister and points to Johnny Legend, the new National Champion. Kilmister nods and grins. He pulls Legend to his feet and hooks him in an inverted full nelson. Kilmister uses the grip to lift Legend off the mat before driving him down to the canvas with a modified spinebuster.
RW: Endgame! Endgame, indeed!
JC: Well, I guess Johnny Legend will Rust In Peace tonight.
Lars Adams: You cannot stop The Battery!
"The Four Horsemen" by Metallica hits the loudspeakers as Konnely, Murphy, Adams and Kilmister climb out of the ring.
JC: An absolutely chaotic night continues!
RW: And it's not over yet! We've still got Rayn versus Dameon for the World Heavyweight Championship next!
+Dameon vs. Rayn+
World Heavyweight Championship
Japanese Ladder Death Match
RW: Here comes the crew to the ring John, getting ready for nothing less than well, hell on earth.
JC: I see barbed-wire, chairs, tables, ladders, and oh god... Look at that!
RW: That ladder is huge at least twenty feet, and completely wrapped tip to top in barbed-wire!
JC: I am guessing that is what they meant by Japanese Ladder Death Match!
RW: You got that right, holy shit...
As the announcers speak about the up coming match a little more and the back history to it we pan to the ring where a crew of about twenty people work wrapping the ropes in barbed-wire, setting up tables, placing the "Japanese" ladder in the ring and placing other miscellaneous objects around. The fans sit in awe knowing this is most likely going to be the most violent main event they have ever encountered in all their years of watching the SFT and its Pay-Per-Views. Some children are being escorted out by their parents, kicking and screaming of course, but hey some parents are just dicks.
JC: Haha, have you ever seen that many concerned mothers and crying kids?
RW: Last time they let Dameon walk through the crowd and sit at ring side.
JC: Point taken... Speaking of ringside! Look who it is!
Like John had stated the cameras pan towards ringside where an empty seat has been all night but surely enough it is now filled by none other than former World Heavyweight Champion, Annika Reizeger. The fans are cheering as a spot light makes its way down to the mad Russian, she glances around not really acknowledging anyone but instead just turns her attention back to the ring watching the crew that still tirelessly works. The camera then switches views to Randy and John at their table, both men look into the camera as one takes cue.
JC: Well Randy, before this match gets started we have a special treat for everyone, we sent a couple of cameras back to get the two competitors words before the match.
RW: Oh, that is a treat John! Off to the back we go!...
There is a nifty fade effect before we can see the World Heavyweight Champion Rayn preparing in his locker room for the match ahead, extremely focused as always, but he seems a little more so today than normal. The camera moves in catching the attention of Rayn instantly, he spins around prepared to fight only to realize its a camera-man, so he chooses to ignore it. The camera continues to watch as Rayn begins to move towards the door, a second later a voice can be heard.
Cameraman: Rayn, Rayn! What are your thoughts before you go into this match?
Rayn then sighs, stopping instantly, he looks around for a moment before swiftly superkicking the camera into the face of the cameraman, causing the screen to go to static before we arrive back at ringside where John and Randy sit in shock looking at each other then to the camera in front of them.
RW: Okay well apparently "The Acidic One" doesn't really feel like talking, instead however lets go to the back and get some comments from the challenger and former best friend of Rayn, "The Beast" Dameon!
Once again another nifty fade effect changes the cameras to the back where a camera sits zoomed in on the door that reads "Boiler Room" the words however are crossed out with spray paint and across the door in blood red sprayed letters it reads "EXILE" the camera then zooms out waiting for a moment. Seconds later the door flies open knocking the camera man flat onto his ass and flopping the camera out of his hand. Hearing the collision and thud we see the large boots of Dameon slowly approach the camera and man who was operating it. A deep growl can then be heard before multiple other feet make their way from inside the boiler room surrounding the downed cameraman who begins to scream. Within seconds the legs can be seen walking back into the room with the camera-man screaming and being dragged in behind them all. Once again we cut back to ringside as the final sight from the back is Dameon making his way up some stairs.
JC: Well ummm...
RW: Epic fail...
JC: Ya, thats what I was gonna say.
RW: Either way folks it appears as if the crew is done as they are now leaving the ringside area, so lets not waste any time and get straight to the introductions!
Static can be heard ringing through the loud speakers momentarily. Then as clouds begin to pass through the screen of the Strike-Tron we can hear lightning striking as the lights dim and strobes flash along with the crashing, the words "Continue the Revolution" appear on the screen in blood red letters, seconds later we hear the opening riffs of "King Of The World" by Porcelain And The Tramps ring out through the arena as the crowd stands to their feet knowing who is to appear. Within a few seconds we see the curtains get thrown aside, and here comes Dameon, practically charging down to the ring, no fancy gimmick to his entrance, no cloak or valet, hell not even his hardcore title around his waist, he is spending no time getting down and into the ring.
"Cause I'm the fucking king of the world. Get on your knees. I'm the fucking king of the world. Do as I please... So get up and get out and I'll show you. What it means for me to control you... 'Cause I'm the fucking king of the world" The song continues to play as Dameon slides under the ropes, partially tearing his shirt on a strand of the barbed-wire, but it has no effect on him, he is too concentrated on the task at hand. Dameon then walks up to the ladder placed in the middle of the ring and looks up, the belt sits twenty feet above the ring and the only ladder that is high enough to reach it is the ladder wrapped completely in barbed-wire.
Dameon then begins to pace around the ring, stopping momentarily as his eye catches that of Annika who sits at ringside with a leg crossed over her stationary leg watching him. Dameon then nods acknowledging one of the best females to have ever graced the ring of the SFT before he continues pacing like a caged tiger.
JC: Dameon, a man on a mission here tonight Randy.
RW: You think John? With all the built up frustration and anger he has held lately, this is no surprise at all to me.
JC: Well here comes the man who plans on trying to abort the mission Dameon is on!
"Broken Dreams" By Shaman's Harvest begins to ring through as Rayn wastes no time coming out from behind the curtain and raising his hands in the air to a huge crowd reaction! Within moments he is making his way down to ringside, speedy at first, but as he approaches the ring where Dameon still sit pacing back and forth, never taking his eyes off of Rayn, he begins to slow. Adding to the battle about to come Rayn retrieves a set of gloves from his back pocket slowly placing them on his hands, smiling at Dameon. But "The Beast" responds with mimicing his action, pulling a set of gloves out of his pocket and placing them on his hands much to the shagrin of Rayn.
RW: Turn about is fair play I guess you would say John.
JC: That's right Randy, and surprisingly for this high profile match neither of them have their normal attires on, their both pretty much in street clothes.
RW: Well would you wanna get into the ring with your ex-best friend with a ton of sharp objects around in wrestling gear?
JC: Point...
Rayn begins moving slowly closer to the ring as his music silences, the crowd is still roaring at this point, anticipating the match to begin, but as Robyn Bryne is about to make introduction we see Dameon charge at the ropes leaping over and tackling Rayn whose attention had drifted from Dameon to Annika sitting at ringside. The men slap the ground with a huge thud as fists begin to fly back and forth, jaws are seen wiggling and temples impacting as they roll back and forth brutalizing each other.
JC: Dameon not wasting anytime, he took the distraction and ran with it.
RW: But Rayn avoided full contact and now both men are trying to destroy each other!
Gaining the advantage the better raw fighter Dameon stands up kicking Rayn in the stomach repeatedly before dropping a double-ax handle across his former friend, but as he goes to walk away and retrieve a weapon we see Rayn trip him smacking Dameon's face clean off the ring steps with a huge crash causing the crowd to flinch in pain. Rayn then takes the advantage to walk over and grab himself a steel chair, returning to Dameon only to bounce the steel off "The Beasts" back multiple times, four total, leaving Dameon seething and writhing in pain. Rayn looks towards the ladder in the ring, but decides the time is not right, instead he lifts Dameon off the ground, nailing him with a huge spine buster that lands him back first across the top of the steel steps.
RW: Hard slam from Rayn!
JC: Dameon might need a bit of a hospital stay after this.
Leaving Dameon laid out on the steps Rayn grabs the steel chair looking at Dameon once again before rolling into the ring, he quickly mounts the ropes above Dameon's laid out body, he takes a look out at the crowd then leaps off placing the chair under his ass, but Dameon dives out of the way leaving Rayn no where to land but straight on his tail bone on top of a chair and steel steps. The chair contorts as the fans scream in worry, Rayn instantly collapses to the ground crying out in pain as he holds his lower back.
JC: Oh my god, Rayn could have broken his damn tail bone there!
RW: They call it high risk for a reason John.
JC: No shit, but still oh my god.
Dameon looks no worse for wear as he climbs the ropes, blood and sweat beaming down his body. He flies off but Rayn is able to move to one side at the last moment avoiding most of Dameon!
RW: That would have been it right there!
Rayn slowly gets up and Rayn grabs the steel chair and starts hammering Dameon point blank, and does it again and again, we can hear people just cringing not able to see, blood spattering all over the damn ring.
RW: This match needs to stop. This match needs to stop now!
Rayn doesn't let up. Dameon somehow maybe just out of pure habit and instinct keeps trying to get up. Rayn is getting tired too, but the rain of chair shots do not stop, over and over. Dameon collapses on his back with Rayn falling forward. Rayn has endured his own hell tonight and he falls on his friend one arm draped over Dameon.
Slowly Rayn begins to stir and he uses the chair to push himself to his feet. The champion hops to the outside and crawls half under the ring. Looking around for a moment, Rayn pulls out a fresh ladder from under the ring, possibly the same one seen during the previous match. The Acidic One does what Kris Chambers could not, pulling the ladder all the way out.
JC: Geez! Look at the size of that thing!
RW: That's what she said!
JC: That ladder must be twenty to twenty-five feet tall!
RW: That's one way to work around the barbed wire covered ladder!
Rayn throws the ladder between the top and middle ropes, then slides back into the ring. The champion then stands the ladder up in such away that Dameon is pinned beneath it. The Acidic One grins as he takes his time climbing the ladder, knowing there is nothing The Beast can do about it now. At last Rayn reaches the top of the ladder and reaches up, his hands touching the title gold. He has to fight with the hook for several seconds.
Pinned to the mat, Dameon tries to leverage the ladder with his arms to push it over and off of his body. Rayn unlatches the hook just as Dameon succeeds in over turning the ladder. The Beast has to roll out of the way as Rayn falls down from above, clutching the SFT Championship tightly to his chest. The bell rings even before The Acidic One hits the mat.
Winner: Rayn via Retrieving The Belt!
JC: All I can say is oh my god I never want to call a match like that again.
Ring people rush to attend both fallen men as the show comes to an end, knowing that everyone involved Sacrificed enough.
Strike Fantasy Towers